Ios Simulator Macos

Apple makes iOS testing available for free to all macOS users, with their Simulator app. The app is hidden away and you need to go through some hoops to support older versions of iOS, but you don't need special technical know-how. Here's how to get it up and running with just a few clicks (and some longish download waits). The iOS simulator is designed to assist you in designing and testing your app. To run the app in simulator, include all the -simulator.a libraries in the SDK zip to the app's project folder. However, depending on the Mac hardware differences and the simulated iOS device/version differences, the audio communication may not perform the same as. You can view the console for the iOS Simulator via desktop Safari. It's similar to the way you use desktop Safari to view the console for physical iOS devices. Whenever the simulator is running and there's a webpage open, there'll be an option under the Develop menu in desktop safari that lets you see the iOS simulator console.

I'm using visual studio code extension 'React Native Tools' for running and building my react native application on simulator/device. Is there a way to specify simulator version for ex. Currently when i start my build configuration for 'Debug iOS', simulator 'iPhone X' started automatically. Here is my launch.json. If you plan to install Mac within your PC, you get two easy alternatives over the method; you can directly install the operating system; Mac OS X on your driver or, utilize a Mac emulator concerning Windows. The first stated alternative would provide you with great performance yet, the other one is very easy to go with.


In this tutorial, you build an iOS or macOS app that integrates with the Microsoft identity platform to sign users and get an access token to call the Microsoft Graph API.

When you've completed the guide, your application will accept sign-ins of personal Microsoft accounts (including,, and others) and work or school accounts from any company or organization that uses Azure Active Directory. This tutorial is applicable to both iOS and macOS apps. Some steps are different between the two platforms.

In this tutorial:

  • Create an iOS or macOS app project in Xcode
  • Register the app in the Azure portal
  • Add code to support user sign-in and sign-out
  • Add code to call the Microsoft Graph API
  • Test the app


How tutorial app works

The app in this tutorial can sign in users and get data from Microsoft Graph on their behalf. This data will be accessed via a protected API (Microsoft Graph API in this case) that requires authorization and is protected by the Microsoft identity platform.

More specifically:

  • Your app will sign in the user either through a browser or the Microsoft Authenticator.
  • The end user will accept the permissions your application has requested.
  • Your app will be issued an access token for the Microsoft Graph API.
  • The access token will be included in the HTTP request to the web API.
  • Process the Microsoft Graph response.

This sample uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to implement Authentication. MSAL will automatically renew tokens, deliver single sign-on (SSO) between other apps on the device, and manage the account(s).

If you'd like to download a completed version of the app you build in this tutorial, you can find both versions on GitHub:

  • iOS code sample (GitHub)
  • macOS code sample (GitHub)

Create a new project

  1. Open Xcode and select Create a new Xcode project.
  2. For iOS apps, select iOS > Single view App and select Next.
  3. For macOS apps, select macOS > Cocoa App and select Next.
  4. Provide a product name.
  5. Set the Language to Swift and select Next.
  6. Select a folder to create your app and select Create.

Register your application

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant in which you want to register an application.
  3. Search for and select Azure Active Directory.
  4. Under Manage, select App registrations > New registration.
  5. Enter a Name for your application. Users of your app might see this name, and you can change it later.
  6. Select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox) under Supported account types.
  7. Select Register.
  8. Under Manage, select Authentication > Add a platform > iOS/macOS.
  9. Enter your project's Bundle ID. If you downloaded the code, this is If you're creating your own project, select your project in Xcode and open the General tab. The bundle identifier appears in the Identity section.
  10. Select Configure and save the MSAL Configuration that appears in the MSAL configuration page so you can enter it when you configure your app later.
  11. Select Done.


Choose one of the following ways to install the MSAL library in your app:


  1. If you're using CocoaPods, install MSAL by first creating an empty file called podfile in the same folder as your project's .xcodeproj file. Add the following to podfile:

  2. Replace <your-target-here> with the name of your project.

  3. In a terminal window, navigate to the folder that contains the podfile you created and run pod install to install the MSAL library.

  4. Close Xcode and open <your project name>.xcworkspace to reload the project in Xcode.


If you're using Carthage, install MSAL by adding it to your Cartfile:

From a terminal window, in the same directory as the updated Cartfile, run the following command to have Carthage update the dependencies in your project.




You can also use Git Submodule, or check out the latest release to use as a framework in your application.

Add your app registration

Next, we'll add your app registration to your code.

First, add the following import statement to the top of the ViewController.swift, as well as AppDelegate.swift or SceneDelegate.swift files:

Then Add the following code to ViewController.swift prior to viewDidLoad():

The only value you modify above is the value assigned to kClientIDto be your Application ID. This value is part of the MSAL Configuration data that you saved during the step at the beginning of this tutorial to register the application in the Azure portal.

Configure Xcode project settings

Add a new keychain group to your project Signing & Capabilities. The keychain group should be on iOS and on macOS.

For iOS only, configure URL schemes

In this step, you will register CFBundleURLSchemes so that the user can be redirected back to the app after sign in. By the way, LSApplicationQueriesSchemes also allows your app to make use of Microsoft Authenticator.

In Xcode, open Info.plist as a source code file, and add the following inside of the <dict> section. Replace [BUNDLE_ID] with the value you used in the Azure portal. If you downloaded the code, the bundle identifier is If you're creating your own project, select your project in Xcode and open the General tab. The bundle identifier appears in the Identity section.

For macOS only, configure App Sandbox

  1. Go to your Xcode Project Settings > Capabilities tab > App Sandbox
  2. Select Outgoing Connections (Client) checkbox.

Create your app's UI

Now create a UI that includes a button to call the Microsoft Graph API, another to sign out, and a text view to see some output by adding the following code to the ViewControllerclass:


macOS UI

Next, also inside the ViewController class, replace the viewDidLoad() method with:


Initialize MSAL

Add the following initMSAL method to the ViewController class:

Add the following after initMSAL method to the ViewController class.

iOS code:

macOS code:

For iOS only, handle the sign-in callback

Open the AppDelegate.swift file. To handle the callback after sign-in, add MSALPublicClientApplication.handleMSALResponse to the appDelegate class like this:

If you are using Xcode 11, you should place MSAL callback into the SceneDelegate.swift instead.If you support both UISceneDelegate and UIApplicationDelegate for compatibility with older iOS, MSAL callback would need to be placed into both files.

Acquire Tokens

Now, we can implement the application's UI processing logic and get tokens interactively through MSAL.

MSAL exposes two primary methods for getting tokens: acquireTokenSilently() and acquireTokenInteractively():

  • acquireTokenSilently() attempts to sign in a user and get tokens without any user interaction as long as an account is present. acquireTokenSilently() requires providing a valid MSALAccount which can be retrieved by using one of MSAL account enumeration APIs. This sample uses applicationContext.getCurrentAccount(with: msalParameters, completionBlock: {}) to retrieve current account.

  • acquireTokenInteractively() always shows UI when attempting to sign in the user. It may use session cookies in the browser or an account in the Microsoft authenticator to provide an interactive-SSO experience.

Add the following code to the ViewController class:

Get a token interactively

The following code snippet gets a token for the first time by creating an MSALInteractiveTokenParameters object and calling acquireToken. Next you will add code that:

  1. Creates MSALInteractiveTokenParameters with scopes.
  2. Calls acquireToken() with the created parameters.
  3. Handles errors. For more detail, refer to the MSAL for iOS and macOS error handling guide.
  4. Handles the successful case.

Add the following code to the ViewController class.

The promptType property of MSALInteractiveTokenParameters configures the authentication and consent prompt behavior. The following values are supported:

  • .promptIfNecessary (default) - The user is prompted only if necessary. The SSO experience is determined by the presence of cookies in the webview, and the account type. If multiple users are signed in, account selection experience is presented. This is the default behavior.
  • .selectAccount - If no user is specified, the authentication webview presents a list of currently signed-in accounts for the user to select from.
  • .login - Requires the user to authenticate in the webview. Only one account may be signed-in at a time if you specify this value.
  • .consent - Requires the user to consent to the current set of scopes for the request.

Get a token silently

To acquire an updated token silently, add the following code to the ViewController class. It creates an MSALSilentTokenParameters object and calls acquireTokenSilent():

Call the Microsoft Graph API

Once you have a token, your app can use it in the HTTP header to make an authorized request to the Microsoft Graph:

header keyvalue
AuthorizationBearer <access-token>

Add the following code to the ViewController class:

See Microsoft Graph API to learn more about the Microsoft Graph API.

Use MSAL for Sign-out

Next, add support for sign-out.


Signing out with MSAL removes all known information about a user from the application, as well as removing an active session on their device when allowed by device configuration. You can also optionally sign user out from the browser.

To add sign-out capability, add the following code inside the ViewController class.

Enable token caching

By default, MSAL caches your app's tokens in the iOS or macOS keychain.

To enable token caching:

Ios simulator on macos
  1. Ensure your application is properly signed
  2. Go to your Xcode Project Settings > Capabilities tab > Enable Keychain Sharing
  3. Select + and enter one of the following Keychain Groups:
    • iOS:
    • macOS:

Ios Simulator Macos X

Add helper methods

Add the following helper methods to the ViewController class to complete the sample.


macOS UI:

For iOS only, get additional device information

Use following code to read current device configuration, including whether device is configured as shared:

Multi-account applications

This app is built for a single account scenario. MSAL also supports multi-account scenarios, but it requires some additional work from apps. You will need to create UI to help users select which account they want to use for each action that requires tokens. Alternatively, your app can implement a heuristic to select which account to use by querying all accounts from MSAL. For example, see accountsFromDeviceForParameters:completionBlock:API

Test your app

Build and deploy the app to a test device or simulator. You should be able to sign in and get tokens for Azure AD or personal Microsoft accounts.

The first time a user signs into your app, they will be prompted by Microsoft identity to consent to the permissions requested. While most users are capable of consenting, some Azure AD tenants have disabled user consent, which requires admins to consent on behalf of all users. To support this scenario, register your app's scopes in the Azure portal.

After you sign in, the app will display the data returned from the Microsoft Graph /me endpoint.

Next steps

Learn more about building mobile apps that call protected web APIs in our multi-part scenario series.

There are a lot of Android emulators for your PC (Windows/Mac). If you search for IOS emulators you get a few names. We have made your task easier by gathering the best iOS emulators. These emulators are going to be useful for gamers or app developers. If you are looking for a good iOS simulator that lets you to run iPhone apps on laptops or desktops then keep reading.

6 Best IOS Emulators

As per our list, we have included free and paid iOS emulators, with detailed information about their features.

This emulator is available for free and even you can purchase its premium version. It has a very simple interface. This emulator is very useful for app developers.

To install an app you just need a public key. The iPhone 5s and all its further versions can access this emulator even the iPad and iPod. It offers the users 100 minutes of usage in a month. Also, you can monitor your free period usage and set an alert before it reaches the end. To take advantage of more features you can switch to the premium version of


This emulator is very smooth and works faster. It has been built-in for testing purposes. Get’s access to various devices and screen sizes as per the iOS. You are not allowed to install any random app, for that you require a source code.

For mac, it comes with an app simulator for iOS, watch/iMessage/tvOS.This Xcode is free for download, and one of the best apps for mac users and developers.

Electric Mobile Studio

This emulator gives you a web kit and chrome debugging tool so you can test your web apps. You get a full-fledged emulation for IOS devices and other applications. It also contains the ability to use the same product on two different machines.

Hot-Key navigations key for mapping the favorite shortcuts. Electric Mobile Studio emulator allows you a 7 days free trial and then you can go for a paid version. This is the best emulator for all windows users.


This emulator has a very simple but attractive interface. Nfsu2 english language patch. It’s the best emulator for all the windows web developers, for testing the IOS applications.

You get free and the paid version of this emulator. Smartface is the perfect alternative for the ipadian emulator.


The Testflight is a great emulator for beta testing before heading towards the final rollout for all the app users. This emulator is now owned by apple. For the developer’s support for testing their apps like IOS, iMessage/tv/watchOS.

You must have an app store distribution profile. Also, you are not allowed to download any random application. TestFlight is free for download.


Ios Simulator On Mac Os X

One of the known web-based emulators. At first, this emulator was been used by enterprise users but now every individual can use it. This emulator is run or managed by the iPhone jailbreak scenes people.

Mac Os Catalina Simulator Online

This tool is a little bit hard to handle, just because of some security reasons. Corellium emulator has different paid plans.

Ios Simulator Mac Os

All these IOS emulators are a bit different from the Android emulators. All these emulators generally focus on app development. If you are a beginner or new app developer then you can use all the above emulators for practice purposes.